Supply Chain Influence Checklist


You have influence if you are able to change certain practices of (indirect) trade partners. This is the case if:

  • By talking to your business partner you manage to change his/her behaviour.

  • The conditions in your contract with the organisation leave room for inclusion of CSR requirements.

  • Your company represent a large part of the organisation’s turn-over.

  • The organisation is susceptible to your promises with regards to future assignments or support in providing training.

  • Working together with you benefits the organisation ‘s reputation, whereas breaking off the relationship with you could potentially harm its reputation.

  • You are in a position to co-determine the organisation’s financial and operational policy.

  • You work together with other parties in the supply chain to exert pressure on the organisation (for example by means of a supply chain initiative).

  • You work together with the government to implement CSR-related law and regulations or to ensure adherance.

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